Allergy Associates

Portfolio Categories: Healthcare.

Project Overview

The new office building for Allergy Associates of LaCrosse is a 10,300 s.f. single story structure with a center clerestory to bring daylight deep into the interior spaces. The new clinic was built as allergen-free as possible using chemical-free paint and materials, exposed colored concrete finished floors, and a high-efficiency heating and cooling system with state-of-the-art air infiltration.

The clinic space has 15 exam rooms, 5 physician offices, lab, testing and support spaces. The business area has 6 offices, mail room, reception and records, conference room and support spaces. The process focused design of the space is reflected in the efficient circulation of patients and staff. Doctor/patient confidentiality and frequency of contact also played a large role in the configuration of the offices and exam rooms.

The site landscaping includes a parking area in the design motif of the AAOL logo, 3 bio-filter rain gardens and a bio-filtration device for water conservation, and an outdoor patio/greenspace for the staff.

Construction on the new building followed Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED, guidelines for improving indoor environmental quality.

See Interior Design for additional photos.